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In 2000 we adopted our first border collie cross from the SPCA. Buddy was between 2-4 years old and had a whole slew of people and dog aggression issues that weren't obvious at the time of the adoption. We went through a few trainers until we found one that specialized in this type of dog. Through this trainer (and now very good friend) we we’re able to control Buddy’s issues and though not predictable enough to compete in dog sports, he stole the hearts of the Tatham family and lived a very happy life until June of 2011.


We as a family loved the border collie breed so much that we got two BC puppies, Jake and Casey, in the spring of 2011 and two more BC pups, Comet and Tai, in December 2011. We also became a surrogate home to a Toy Aussie named Lola.


The past few years have been filled with dog training, from puppy classes to Rally-O, CGN, agility, sheep herding, nosework, disc and flyball. We actively participate in various dog sports with Jake, Casey, Tai, Comet and Lola.

My other passion is horses and we share our home with four quarter horses. We love to trail ride and currently taking lessons in barrel racing.













Birthday: November 5, 2011


Comet and her brother Tai came to us in late December of 2011. Comet is the smallest of all of our BC’s, so she is the underdog of the group.


Comet is a very independent and sweet little girl. She loves to play flyball, disc and herding. She tends to do everything at 100 miles an hour, with little regard for herself or anything/anybody standing in her way. Our current training goals are to try and get her to slow down and think more about what she is doing. She is more than willing to do anything you ask her to do and we are excited about her future in disc.


Around the house Comet’s the funniest little girl. She would much prefer to go up and over the furniture then around it and has no problem jumping on top of the other dogs or us if she would

like that couch position.




Reg Name: True Blues Turn-n-Burn Baby-Toy Aussie

Birthday: May 22, 2012


About: Lola is a Toy Aussie who came to us from a breeder in BC. She came for a weekend and we fell in love with her. She does her best to keep up with her 4 border collie siblings. She loves lurecoursing and currently is training in disc, agility and flyball.



Birthday: March 16, 2011



Jake and his sister Casey came to us in the spring of 2011. Jake was the runt of the litter and was incredibly tiny. Jake grew into a very handsome boy. Out of all of our dogs, Jake is the most outgoing, and loves to play with any dog.


Jake is currently in training for Disc and Flyball and I expect good things out of him. Around the house he’s a real troublemaker and loves to steal whatever toy his sisters are playing with, not because he wants to play, just because he can. He also spends his time trying to control the horses (from the other side of the fence of course).

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